Sunday, July 22, 2007

Week 2.

I haven't completed the readings for week as i have only just joined the course.

I joined CMNS1290 - Introduction to PR so i could develop the basic skills and knowledge of public relations. I find the media and communication industries very interesting and i think having knowledge of public relations would greatly enhance my understanding of journalism - the career path i would like to take someday.

Using the week 1 overview posted on the blackboard website, i have gained a basic knowledge of What public relations is and what public relations encompasses as a management function.

Public relations can be broadly defined as 'the ethical and strategic management of communication and relationships in order to build and develop coalitions and policy, identify and manage issues and create and direct messages to achieve sound outcomes within a socially responsible framework' (Johnston and Zawawi 2004).

As a management function, public relations encompasses anticipating, interpretting and analysing public opinion and attitudes....

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